Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Do you have a Fed Hangover yet?

It is a new year and many investors are wondering what in this world is going on. Today, all eyes are on the Federal Reserve and if they are going to cut rates a second time within two weeks. You have to wonder if the Feds know what they are doing and why didn't they do it earlier? Remember Rule number 19 (Satisfaction is not guaranteed) and that is what the Fed promises. Here is an article that Bajora Profit found on the economic ills and the Fed solution.

I guess it is wait and see for now and oo-mox till we know later on tomorrow from our Fed friends.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Clear Message from Universal Translators

Reed Elsevier Plc (RUK)

Big money movers seem to be sending a message on Reed Elsevier Plc (RUK) the last two days, while much higher than normal volume has appeared. Breaking up to new all time highs a window has opened as the stock gapped higher. While this stock specializes in many different areas of information technology and retrieval one that is most interesting to the Ferengi is that work it has done in the are of Machine Translation as a partner in the Babylon translation technology. One caveat I must highlight is before our recent volume in the stock it was only trading about 50,000 shares a day. I will usually pass up a stock with such little liquidity, especially, since I rely on stop losses so much. It is to easy for a stock to be manipulated by big money and market makers.

BTW as a rugby fan how can I pass up a stock with a ticker symbol of RUK?


Like something right out of Star Trek, okay not really Star Trek but more like Time Cop or Demolition Man, cars that may drive themselves. Looking at GM stock it might take ten years to care but the concept is cool.