Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Ferengi Culture

This is why we started this blog. It fits with the Ferengi/Human understanding and psyche of the markets and trade. Therefore, this is a good forum to talk about trades in the Ferengi style and culture. As a human capitalist, I find that we have very similar traits with the Ferengi and feel that we can learn from their manner of commerce.

"Ferengi culture is so devoted to unregulated capitalism that concepts such as labor unions, sick leave, vacations, or paid overtime for workers are considered abhorrent, because they would interfere with exploitation of workers. In addition to the Rules, the Ferengi also recognize the five Stages of Acquisition: infatuation, justification, appropriation, obsession, and resale. They value similar traits in other species as well — Earth's Wall Street is regarded with religious reverence by Ferengi, who routinely visit Earth to make pilgrimages to the "holy site" of commerce and business."(Wikipedia)

As a respectful trader, let us pay homege to Wall Street and let the capitalist in you escape and be free and profit from it all.

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