Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Why Star Trek First Contact is the Best

Many trekkers and trekkies will ask me why I believe First Contact to be the best of all Star Trek movies, and while I must concede that picking a favorite Star Trek is about like picking your favorite note in a Mozart concerto, I must say knowing that Zephram Cochrane was just out to make a buck pleases me.

Oh yeah true believers, he was out in true Ferengi fashion hoping to make some money and hook up with a few ladies to get his oo-mox on. They didn't put that on his statue in Montana did they?

If only a Ferengi ship came by when he made his successful flight then the ultra-capitalists of earth would reign supreme. Ayn Rand would have been the educational format for the Star Fleet Academy and the Klingon Empire would have been been overthrown by hostile take over.

Stupid, sexy, self-righteous Vulcans!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree.