Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Cure for High Oil Prices

Can more regulation and more taxes somehow bring down oil prices? What in the heck are they thinking in Washington. Commodities and stocks work in long-term 18 year cycles. That is what happened in the 1900s, 1930s, 1970s, and today. It isn't government conspiracy or Bush and his big oil friends who want to drill in Anwar it is demand from China and India coupled with a weak dollar. This is the price we pay when 3rd world countries progress and our Monetary policy makers lack backbone. Rejoice in the wealth being built in these countries and realize eventually, supply will meet demand through new wells, efficiency gains, and alternatives. It is not an over night fix so be ready to endure high inflation for quite some time. There are plenty of ways to profit from this commodity boom so become educated. Read the not so well written but sufficient book "Hot Commodities" by investing legend Jim Rogers!

Interesting side note, the week of Black Thursday just before the Great Depression, congress was holding hearings on how to tax the railroads for their "windfall profits". You gotta love government. I bet if you looked back in 1999 when oil was trading around $11 a barrel congress was looking for a way to subsidize the oil companies to keep them afloat. Sometimes you get the bull like these oil guys are now, sometimes you get the horn like they did in 1999 and couldn't stay in business.

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