Monday, March 10, 2008

My EUR/USD Trade

Ok, so the Dollar keeps on getting hammered and the Euro just keeps on going up higher and higher. As you know, I have been bullish the Euro for a little while and have been doing well since 1.4600 on the pair. I was bearish for a short while but ended up going long again and set up a limit sell order at 1.5450 if the pair just shot up. Well, it shot up and I got out of my position at 1.5450 because of my order I had set up on it. I am a happy camper with all my latnium.

Going forward, I still see some bullishness around it as the dollar still weakens. There is talk now of the Fed possibly having an emergency cut because of the markets. I can't see it helping much and only postponing the inevitable. I definitely think that we are in a recession and even though we are no where like the 1920s, it still is a for of recession. In a article that is from 2006 on when recessions may have happened in the past, goes to show that we may be in a small one right now. This article goes into some good information on the make up of these recessions.

Now, my Ferengi side tells me that there is money(latnium) to be made in this time of crises. And that is what I am doing. I just have to be against the dollar till there is something that convinces me that it is turning around. Who know, maybe the dollar will become the new currency carry trade. Remember, making and getting latnium is the" true" oo-mox experience!!!!

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