Saturday, March 15, 2008

What will change the world first, Communciation or Transportation.

Last month we saw the man who changed the world, Mr. Bill Gates, predict the end of the keyboard. Now he is forecasting large leaps in future technology along the same lines in voice recognition and touch screens. These are very exciting but they won't change the world like we have seen in the past. In fact, with today's commodity markets the advances that will change the world will be those that find greater efficiencies in fuel or fuel alternative. Looking throughout history those inventions that improve the way products are moved to trade and sell effect commerce the most. Taming of animals, the wheel, animal drawn wagons, boats, rail roads, steam engines, cars, trucks, airplanes, jets, speed train, etc. I would be looking f0r a company more like Orbital Sciences Corp. (ORB) to change the world this next time around versus Microsoft (MSFT). I'm interested in some discussion and debate, please feel free to comment.

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